What is the meaning of the word TOM? - YouTube

Tom is currently living at home with his family. He is 21 years old and is currently unemployed. He is working towards being a certified financial advisor and is currently doing exams for this. He dropped out of university before covid and has consistently over the last two years of covid been suffering with mental health issues. This has impacted his path onto the housing market. He potentially will be looking to buy his own house over the next few years in order to live independently. He is a keen economist and loves keeping up to date on everything money related like things like stocks, mortgages and investing. 

He will give us what he feels like trying to make that move soon and ask him if he is worried or nervous. He is only 21 which means that he is the perfect person to interview to adhere to my target audience as they may personally identify (Blumer and Katz Uses and gratification theory) with him as a person and they themselves may have been through similar times through covid or are like him in terms of looking for a house in the not so distant future. 

I really think this will add to my documentary. 
