How Tax Incentives Have Influenced America's Most Popular Filming Locations  - The Citadel Today

After filming the interview I learned so much and I think it was such an important thing to do. I really enjoyed learning how to set up the lighting, the way to position the cameras, where to put the mics and how to use a green screen. Prior to today I thought it would be a simple task to do an interview in terms of tech but I honestly couldn't of been more wrong. It was so complex. Luckily we had both our teachers watching over us and we often asked for their professional opinions on what we were doing to just check it was right. It was so important to learn about the camera positioning and about where the interviewer is sat so that they look like the interviewee is looking at the camera. Overall it has been such a good day and I am so excited now to edit the interview and see what the finished product looks like. 


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